Monday, April 6, 2009

Morning Ragas

If your mornings are almost like mine... chaotic,son getting ready for school the bus arrives ...shouting at him to gulp down that milk while your toast is burning and the little one is squealing on the top of his lungs to pick him up and your husband wants a sunny side up for a change...and also to ask if his tie and shirt are well co-ordinated with his suit and your blood pressure is rising then yes we are sailing in the same boat...Everyday! relaxThis is not the complete truth as a matter of fact I forgot to add my husband is almost always juggling with the little fella in one hand and with the other he is almost trying to to get that knot of his tie right.Once they are gone I give a sigh of relief yes I've put my toddler back to sleep and I am trying to enjoy my morning cup of tea while some sweet music plays on.There is still time for all those chores awaiting me...Im dreaming of those special weekends when my husband goes out early morning to bring us some breakfast....nice and on that note I'd like to tell you about a poem by Robert McGough called Happiness...its contrary to my morning raga yet...I've framed it up to remind myself of the happiness that lies in these routines.

1 comment:

  1. congrats on yet another take off. im yet to venture into mine own site.
